
Factors You Cannot Ignore When Buying Commercial Property

  Buying commercial property from where to run your business can be one of the best decisions you make especially on costs. It is a much better choice cost wise compared to properties on lease or rentals that can be quite pricey. It is however important to remember that commercial real estate carries more risks compared to buying residential property hence you need to do your research thorough and run a complete analysis before making the final choice and going through with the buying process. Below are some of the factors you should never ignore when hunting for commercial property for your business. The location This is very tricky because no one can predict what will happen in the future. The location that looks lucrative today may not be the same tomorrow and you need to tread very carefully for the sake of the business. Consider trends of past businesses in the same area even if you are targeting a new property. You also must evaluate the location in relation to your suppliers...

How to Market Your Commercial Real Estate Loan Business

  All too often I see small business owners missing the mark with their marketing. Sure, it's easy to do when you specialize in a specific industry niche and you spend your time engulfed in industry sector jargon. However, it's best to put yourself in your potential customer's shoes and think your marketing through from their perspective, addressing their most important questions. Your customers want to be able to trust you, to know you are looking out for their interests and that you don't just see them with Dollar Signs in your sunglasses. Below is a sample page, perhaps good for a website, brochure, email, or letter. Why not look this over and consider how you might form your own message. Use your own voice, your own style and remember you are talking to your customer across the table for the first time. You know what questions they will ask. Show that you care, that you are working for them, and will go out of your way to get them the best rates, and great service. ...